A Note on the Toolbelt

A Note on the Toolbelt

The purpose of the Toolbelt is to inspire and remind or introduce people to just a handful of the beautiful tools we as analysts have available to us. Nothing on this site is particularly fancy or novel. I am inherently biased towards action instead of academic perfection. Thus I will probably make horribly offensive simplifications, analogies, and even mistakes throughout this Toolbelt. Any one of the tools on my site are entire fields which could be studied for a lifetime. Books upon books are available on each one of them for further study. With that said, enjoy and please reach out on Linkedin if you have any comments.

This website is built by me using Flask and Docker. The primary packages utilized for the demos are pandas, scikit-learn (for the three machine learning modules), pyomo with GLPK solver (for the optimization module), and scipy (for the t-testing and simulation modules.)